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Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Nathan Rene Kaehler, DACM, LAc
115 Pirie Road, Suite A1, Ojai, CA 93023
2002-Present Owner, Licensed Acupuncturist, Ojai Herbs and Acupuncture
Offices in Ojai (2002-Present) and Beverly Hills (2009-2014)
mind/body health, health maintenance in mid or later years, addiction recovery, skin conditions, herbs for children
Maintain an on-site dispensary of more than 500 herbs and many other herb products
2006-2007 Staff Acupuncturist/Herbalist, New Seasons Recovery, Port Hueneme
Provided group and individual acupuncture and herbs to patients during or after residential addiction treatment
2006-2007 Staff Acupuncturist/Herbalist, Toltec Living Center, Santa Barbara
Provided individual herb treatment to elderly residents seeking to reduce medication use
2004-2006 Faculty and Clinical Supervisor, Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine
Taught Herbal Medicine, Diagnosis & Evaluation, Medical History & Terminology
Supervised interns providing herb & acupuncture treatments in low-cost community clinic
1997-2007 Grants Manager, Planned Parenthood of Santa Barbara, Ventura & San Luis Obispo
Developed applications for $1,000,000+ in grants annually for education, clinical services & capital expenses
1982-1996 Executive Director, Senior Companions of South Dakota
Division of The Good Samaritan Society, nation’s largest non-profit nursing home provider, headquarter in Sioux Falls, SD
Provided management, board relations, fund-raising, personnel supervision, staff education/training, & public relations
for large, multi-county nursing home prevention service for older adults
1976-1981 Administrative Associate, Center for Community Organization and Area Development
A division of Augustana University, Sioux Falls, SD
Managed, developed funding, supervised education and research for innovative statewide Water Goals for South
Dakota--an effort interfacing corporate/civic leaders, state legislators and the public. Designed and led interdisciplinary
research team of water experts whose reports guided water development in Sioux Falls for 20 years
1975-1976 Associate Director, The Volunteer Center, Sioux Falls, SD
Designed and obtained funding for innovative program with neighborhood volunteer recruiters; placed 500 volunteers
1974 Staff Member, Youth Exchange Program (operated by a consortium of Lutheran Colleges), Ahuatepec, Morelos, Mexico
1971 Youth Service Worker for National & Regional American Lutheran Youth Offices, 5 rural South Dakota communities
2023 Tibetan Kachupa Degree
Tibetan Medicine Education Center, Geneva with Menrampa Arya Pasang Yonten
2019 DACM, Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, San Diego
2012-2016 Completed 3-year Tibetan Amchi program, Tibetan Medicine Education Center, Geneva
2001 MA, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine (Graduated top of class, 4.0 GPA)
1998-99 Doctoral study in Clinical Psychology
The Fielding Institute, Santa Barbara
1998 MA, Psychology
Antioch University Santa Barbara
1997 Leadership Fellowship (awarded for 2 years for study of mind/body therapies for older adults with health concerns)
The Bush Foundation, St. Paul, MN
1977 BA, Cum Laude, Sociology & Religion, Minor Philosophy
Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD
2017-2021 Community Service Chair, Rotary Club of Ojai
2018-2019 Board Member, Rotary Club of Ojai Foundation
2018 Executive Committee Member, Matilja Peace Pavilion, Ojai
2011-2019 Board Member, Rotary Club of Ojai
2011-2013 Chair, International Service Committee, Rotary Club of Ojai
2010-2021 Member, Rotary Club of Ojai
2009-Present Member, Ojai Valley Chamber of Commerce
2003-2010 Member, Ojai Valley Horticultural Society
1997-2002 Board and Fund-raising Committee Member, Santa Barbara Fatherhood Coalition
1993 -1996 National Board Member, National Senior Companion Directors Association
1985-1996 Founder and Corporate Agent, Senior Companion Fund (an endowment)
1991-1996 Vice-President, Call-A-Ride (a senior coop transport service, Sioux Falls, SD)
1985-1987 Chair, Sioux Falls Area Aging Coalition
1984-1986 Executive Committee Member, Senior Daybreak Sioux Falls (an adult day care center)
1972-1973 National Board Member, American Lutheran Youth Organization
2005-2009 “Herbs and Supplements” column in Ojai Valley News
2007 Protocol for alcohol and drug detoxification assisted by Traditional Chinese Medicine
2001 Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine for DSM-IV Psychological Diagnoses,
Master’s Project, Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine
1997 Meditation as a Complement to Health-Related Older Adult Psychotherapy: A Guide
Master’s Project, Antioch University Santa Barbara
1980 “Water Goals for South Dakota: A case study in building consensus”
The Environmental Professional, Pergamon Press, Vol. 2
2019 Presenter: "Our Heart's Garden: Herbs to Cultivate a Peaceful Mind", Ojai Herbal Symposium
2018 Presenter: "Herbs for Psychospiritual Resilience and Trauma", Ojai Herbal Symposium
2002-2005 Guest lecturer on internal medicine for emotional challenges, dermatology,
and fibromyalgia at Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine
1982-1996 Provided more than 2000 hours of pre-service and in-service education to home care workers,
Senior Companions of South Dakota
1995 “Senior Companions: An innovative nursing home prevention service”
Presentation to National Conference of the Good Samaritan Society, Sioux Falls, SD
1995 “Private-sector fund-raising for services to older adults”
Presentation to 1st National Conference of the Corporation for National Service, Washington, DC,
Also served as a conference planner
1991 “Evaluating and facilitating a dignified ‘retirement’ for Senior Companions”
Presentation to 1st National Conference of Senior Companion Programs, Washington, DC
Also served as a conference planner
1980 “Water Goals for South Dakota: A case study in building consensus”
Presentation to Minnesota Conference on Water Resource Decision-Making sponsored by the
Freshwater Foundation, Minneapolis, MN
1979-1980 Conference planner and chief editor of 20 background papers for statewide Water Goals Conference,
The Center for Community Organization and Area Development, Sioux Falls, SD Co-chair, Tri-state Lutheran Youth Gath
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